There's something about homemade mac and cheese that just makes you feel good. Maybe it's the cheese, maybe it's the pasta, maybe it's the 5000 calories - whatever it is it's delicious and surprisingly easy to make. It also has that WOW factor. You pull this baby out of the oven and people exclaim "You made that from scratch?!?" You can give a small, slightly exhausted smile and accept the glory knowing it really wasn't difficult and didn't take much more time than the boxed kind. Don't get me wrong - boxed mac and cheese has it's place - we love all mac and cheese in this house - but when you try this recipe you'll definitely add it to your menu rotation. Of course the World's Best Husband has an amazing recipe. The two of us polished off the entire dish in 2 sittings. We weren't even sorry. A little sad it was gone - but not sorry. Enjoy! And remember - if we can make it yummy so can you!